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Common STIs


What is it?

  • Caused by Treponema pallidum.
  • It is highly infectious and is a common STI among MSM.

How do you get it?

  • By sexual contact, giving or receiving anal or oral sex.
  • By anus play or direct contact with sores or lesions.

What are the signs or symptoms?

  • Primary stage:
    A chancre (painless sore) on or around genital organ together with swollen glands in the groin, or appear on your mouth, throat or anus . Usually clear up spontaneously within a few weeks but the infection will progress to secondary stage .
  • Secondary stage:
    Various combinations of symptoms like fever, tiredness, non-itchy skin rash, and generalized swollen glands can occur 2-6 months the after initial infection. The rash will appear on palm, soles or other parts of the body. They can disappear even without treatment. Without treatment syphilis will progress to latent stage.
  • Latent stage:
    At this stage, it is possible to have no signs and symptoms but might be passed to other person. Diagnosis can only be made by blood tests.
  • Late stage:
    Signs and symptoms occur after several years or even decades. Organs like heart, eyes, bones and central nervous system may be damaged by the bacteria, resulting in blindness, physical disability, cardiovascular diseases, neurological and mental illness, or even death.

Can it be treated?

  • Easy to cure in early stages. For primary and secondary syphilis, full antibiotic treatment (penicillin) can cure. A blood test necessary to ensure recovery after treatment.
  • For latent / late syphilis, duration of antibiotic treatment may be longer.
Non-Gonococcal urethritis (NGU)+
Genital and anal warts+
Genital and anal herpes+
Pubic lice+
Molluscum Contagiosum+
Hepatitis A+
Hepatitis B+
Hepatitis C+